Semi-Homemade with Stacy: Easy Kitchen Cobbler

Well, what if you're just not that into cooking? Or eating perfectly healthy for that matter? Welcome to Semi-Homemade with Stacy! I'm Stacy, our Director of Partnerships and an avid believer that there are plenty of ways to sneak fresh fruits and veggies into your comfort food. That's why I'm sharing my favorite produce cheats on my new weekly column. Read on, heroes!

The Easiest Kitchen Cobbler

I’ve got a sweet tooth, yes I do, I’ve got a sweet tooth - and no dessert in the house! Gotcha, boo.  Take the apple, mango, or really any fruit from your box and get it in a saute pan with a teaspoon of brown sugar.  The heat will help release some of the natural juices and sweetness of the fruit creating a little sauce.  Dig deep in the cabinet for any cereal or granola scraps, and toss them in a bowl with a pinch of coconut flakes (if ya got em) chocolate chips (if you’re into that), or a handful of chopped nuts (if you’re not allergic) - top with the fruit compote, mmm… kitchen sink cobbler.

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