Semi-Homemade with Stacy: Produce for the Order Outers

Well, what if you're just not that into cooking? Or eating perfectly healthy for that matter?? Welcome to Semi-Homeade Hacks! I'm Stacy, our Director of Partnerships and an avid believer that there are plenty of ways to sneak fresh fruits and veggies into your comfort food or favorite takeout order. That's why I'm sharing my favorite produce cheats on my new weekly column. Read on, heroes!

To order in pizza or to not order pizza? That is (always) the question.

It’s Friday night, and you’ve still got a zucchini, a pepper and some fresh garlic left over… but you’re also craving the sweet satisfaction of eating an entire pizza in your bed.  We got you.  Order that pizza cheese only, and while you’re waiting for it to arrive, chop up the left over vegetables and toss them in your oven on 375 degrees, or sauté them together in a pan.  You’ll save some cash on the toppings, AND finally use up the remainder of your box in time to receive the next one!

So are you up for the challenge? I'll be posting a new semi-homemade tip every Thursday. Stay tuned.

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